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Add your BlueWallet to 21bitcoin

Verify your BlueWallet with 21bitcoin

Updated over a month ago

To add a BitBox02, proceed as follows:

  1. In your 21bitcoin app, tap on the ‘₿ tab’ in the navigation bar,

  2. Now tap on ‘Manage wallets’ and

  3. Then tap on ‘Add New Wallet’,

  4. Now tap on ‘Private Wallet’.

In the drop-down menu at the top, you can select whether you want to add a Single Address or an xPub Wallet.

How to find the xPub in BlueWallet

  1. Tap on the account for which you would like to receive the xPub

  2. Tap on the three ‘...’ at the top right

  3. Tap the ‘Show Wallet XPUB’ button at the bottom

  4. Your extended public key will be displayed. You can copy this to the clipboard by tapping it once

Enter a name for the wallet and copy the Bitcoin address or your xPub into the line ‘Bitcoin Address’ or ‘xPub...’. Alternatively, you can also scan the QR code of the address using the ‘QR Code’ button.

Then tap on ‘Continue’, read the information on ‘Verify Wallet Ownership’ and then tap on ‘Continue’ again.

You now have two options for verifying your wallet ownership.

1. 2FA Signature

This is the easiest and quickest way and we recommend that you verify your wallet using a 2FA signature if this is technically possible for you.

Tap on ‘2FA signature’. You will then see your wallet details. If everything is correct, tap on ‘Confirm’ and complete the two-factor authentication.

2. Digital Signature (for Single Adresses only)

Tap on ‘Digital signature’. You will then see your wallet details. If everything is correct, tap on ‘Confirm’.

Next, we will send you an email. From here we will proceed on your computer.

Open the email from 21bitcoin and click on the link.

Es öffnet sich ein Browserfenster. Klicke auf 'bluewallet'.

The following window will open with further instructions:

Open the 'BlueWallet App' on your smartphone and tap on the wallet you wish to fund with 21bitcoin.

When you are in the desired wallet, tap on the three white dots in the top right corner.

Next, tap 'Sign/Verify Message' at the bottom.

Paste the message that appears in your internet browser onto your computer. In our example, 'Hello, thank you for signing with BlueWallet'.

Then tap 'Sign'.

Use the button below to send the signature and wallet address to yourself, e.g. by email, so that you can copy it into your browser window.

Then click 'Add Proof' in your browser.

Congratulations! You have successfully signed your address and can use it in your 21bitcoin app to send Bitcoin.

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